Geschichte der Britischen Monarchie Wiki

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Historiker und Biographen[]


Yonge, Charlotte Mary

  • (2010). Cameos from English History


Yorke, Barbara Anne Elizabeth (*1951) - Professorin an der University of Winchester, spezialisiert auf das Angelsächsische England

  • Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England. (1990)
  • Wessex in the Early Middle Ages. (1995)
  • Bishop Aethelwold: His Career and Influence. ed. (1997)
    • "Æthelwold and the Politics of the Tenth Century"
  • The Anglo-Saxons. (1999)
  • Nunneries and the Anglo-Saxon Royal Houses. (2003)
  • The Conversion of Britain: Religion, Politics and Society in Britain, 600-800. (2006)
  • Wessex: Studies in the early history of Britain
  • Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
    • "East Saxons, kings of the (act. late 6th cent.-c.820)"
    • "Centwine"
    • "Frithestan (d. 932/3), bishop of Winchester"
    • "Ælfsige (d. 959)"
  • "Edward as Aetheling" in Higham, N. J.; Hill, David eds, Edward the Elder 899–924
  • The Blackwell Enzyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England
    • "The Kingdom of Essex"
    • "Ine"
  • (1984). "The Bishops of Winchester, the Kings of Wessex and the Development of Winchester in the Ninth and Early Tenth Centuries". in Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society


Young, James

  • ed. (1884), Historical References to the Scottish Family of Lauder